Refund and Returns Policy

We understand that sometimes things don’t go as planned. Below are our refund options based on the type of product:

  1. Digital Products:

    • No refunds are available for digital and downloadable products.
  2. Physical Hardware Products:

    • You have a 3-day refund option after receiving the product at your address.
    • To initiate a refund, please inform us via email at [email protected].
    • Ensure that the product box remains unopened and in sealed condition.
    • If the product box is opened, a minimum deduction of 200 INR will apply to the refund amount.
    • Additionally, if any part or parts are missing from the box, their actual cost will be deducted after inspection.
  3. Online Live Courses with Hardware:

    • A 3-day refund option is available after attending at least 2 hours of live sessions with our mentors.
    • This applies only to courses that are not short-term (less than 3 days).
    • Deduction as per the standard mentioned above.
  4. Online LMS Courses with Hardware:

    • We cannot offer a full refund for LMS courses since they come with a physical kit.
    • However, we do provide a 3-day refund option once the product is received at your doorstep.
    • The minimum deduction for this refund is 200 INR.
    • If any parts are missing, the deduction will be based on their actual price.
    • Please note that your LMS login will be terminated upon initiating the refund process.

We reserve the right to refuse returns of any merchandise that does not meet the above return conditions at our sole discretion.

Returning Goods

You are responsible for the cost and risk of returning the goods to us. Please send the goods to the following address:

Umydo Solutions
IV/26, Sreekumar Bhavan, Near KWA Office
Lahassery, Chengannur PO
Alappuzha, Kerala 689121

We recommend using an insured and trackable mail service to prevent any issues with damaged or lost goods during return shipment. We cannot issue a refund without actual receipt of the goods or proof of successful return delivery.


We will ship physical products within 3days from the date of purchase. If it is an online course with hardware, we will ship the product 10 days before the online class starts.  Depending on the location we may select a different courier partner to ship the product. All shipments are limited to pin codes in India. Additional shipping charges may apply to islands in India. Purchase value above 1500 INR is eligible for free shipping within India excluding islands.